Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you...

is the poem which instantly comes to our mind when we see or think about roses! It so happened that while going through the morning newspaper the previous Sunday morning, I chanced upon this 4 line news item about the 'Rose show /exhibition and competition' being held at Maharashtra Nature Park (MNP), Mumbai and I was instantly reminded of the above poem.

Red Roses - Maharashtra/Mahim Nature Park. February 2014.

The event was held on 1st and 2nd February, 2014 at Maharashtra Nature Park more popularly known as Mahim Nature Park, Mumbai. To me, it was yet another opportunity to carry my camera and try to capture the beauty of these flowers.  On display were hundreds of roses in all their captivating colours and shades.

Mauve is the in colour - Maharashtra/Mahim Nature Park. February 2014.

There are around 3500 varieties of roses in the world. Roses had arrived from many parts of India - Bangalore, Kolkata etc. The popular variety displayed in this show was the 'Floribanda' and a few others too.

Double shade - Maharashtra/Mahim Nature Park. February 2014.

It was an amazing experience to be at the venue and see the participating members lovingly handle the flowers with utmost care and affection.  

Coral Power - - Maharashtra/Mahim Nature Park. February 2014.

The pleasant February weather seemed to create the perfect atmosphere for these flowers to exhibit their best colours. No wonder the flowers were in their full glory.


  1. Nice as usual! Craving for more ... :-D

    1. Thanks Prakaant. Will definitely post some photos soon. :)
